Forward Range

InputRange models a range where elements are taken out of the range as they are iterated over. This means that once an InputRange is iterated, its elements are consumed.

Some ranges are capable of saving their states, as well as operating as an InputRange. For example, FibonacciSeries objects can save their states because these objects can freely be copied and the two copies continue their lives independently from each other.

ForwardRange provides the save member function, which is expected to return a copy of the range. The copy that save returns must operate independently from the range object that it was copied from: iterating over one copy must not affect the other copy.

In order to implement save for FibonacciSeries, we can simply return a copy of the object:

struct FibonacciSeries
// ...

    FibonacciSeries save() const
        return this;

The returned copy is a separate range that would continue from the point where it was copied from.

We can demonstrate that the copied object is independent from the actual range with the following program. The algorithm std.range.popFrontN() in the following code removes a specified number of elements from the specified range:

import std.range;
import std.stdio;

// ...

void report(T)(const dchar[] title, const ref T range)
    writefln("%40s: %s", title, range.take(5));

void main() {
    auto range = FibonacciSeries();
    report("Original range", range);

    report("After removing two elements", range);

    auto theCopy =;
    report("The copy", theCopy);

    report("After removing three more elements", range);
    report("The copy", theCopy);

The output of the program shows that removing elements from the range does not affect its saved copy:

                          Original range: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]
             After removing two elements: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
                                The copy: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
      After removing three more elements: [5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
                                The copy: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

Make sure you have understood the previous example by answering this quiz

An algorithm that works with ForwardRange is std.range.cycle. cycle() iterates over the elements of a range repeatedly from the beginning to the end. In order to be able to start over from the beginning it must be able to save a copy of the initial state of the range, so it requires a ForwardRange.

Since FibonacciSeries is now a ForwardRange, we can try cycle() with a FibonacciSeries object. But in order to avoid having cycle() iterate over an infinite range, and as a result never find the end of it, we must first make a finite range by passing FibonacciSeries through take():


In order to make the resultant range finite as well, the range that is returned by cycle is also passed through take(). The output consists of the first twenty elements of cycling through the first five elements of FibonacciSeries:

[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3]

Notice the importance of laziness in this example: the first four lines above merely construct range objects that will eventually produce the elements. The numbers that are part of the result are calculated by FibonacciSeries.popFront() as needed.


Upgrade our LinkedList to a ForwardRange. Note that we are using heap allocated memory, therefore simply returning the this reference will not cut it.