Function Attributes

Table of contents
  1. Function Attributes
    1. Return type attributes
      1. auto
      2. ref
      3. auto ref
      4. inout
    2. Behavioral attributes
      1. pure
      2. Practice
      3. nothrow
        1. Exceptions
      4. Practice
      5. @nogc
      6. Practice
    3. Code safety attributes
      1. @safe
      2. Practice
      3. @trusted
      4. Practice
      5. @system
      6. Practice
    4. Acknowledgement

In D, we can distinguish between three types of function attributes:

  • Return type attributes (auto, ref, auto ref, inout)
  • Behavioral attributes (pure, nothrow, @nogc)
  • Code safety attributes (@safe, @trusted, @system)

Return type attributes

These attributes are about the return types of the functions.


When a function is annotated with auto, its return type doesn’t need to be specified because it is automatically inferred by the compiler from the return expression(s). Let’s take a look at the following example:

auto func(int i)
    if (i < 0)
        return i;      // returns 'int' here

    return i * 1.5;    // returns 'double' here

void main()
    // The return type of the function is 'double'
    auto result = func(42);
    static assert(is (typeof(result) == double));

If the auto function has only one return expression, then the compiler will take the type of that expression as the return type of the function. If there are multiple return expressions, the return expression of the function will be the common type. In the example above, the common type of int and double is double, and that’s because double can hold any int value, but others as well.


If we want to modify a parameter and that change to be visible in the caller, then that parameter should be marked as ref.

void bump(ref int x) { ++x; }

    int x = 1;
    assert(x == 2);

If a function expects a ref parameter, then the argument that is passed should be an lvalue, otherwise the code won’t compile:

bump(5) // Error! Cannot bind an rvalue to a ref parameter

The ref attribute can be also used for the return type of a function. In that case, the return value of the function is an lvalue as well.

Let’s add ref to bump.

ref int bump(ref int x)
    return ++x;

    int x = 1;
    bump(bump(x)); // Two increments
    assert(x == 3);

The inner call to bump returns an lvalue that is then passed again to bump and it works because bump expects a ref. Had the definition of bump looked like this:

int bump(ref int x) { return ++x; }

the compiler would have thrown an error for the call bump(bump(x)). That is because it would have been an attempt to bind an rvalue to a function that expects an lvalue, that is, a ref.

auto ref

Similar to auto, the return type of an auto ref function is deduced by the compiler. This is especially useful for templates like the one below:

auto ref foo(string magic)()
   static if(magic == "use ref")
     int* x = new int;
     return *x;
     return 0;

void main()
    foo!""(); // returns rvalue, i.e. 0
    foo!"use ref"(); // returns lvalue, i.e. x, a pointer

Each unique set of compile-time arguments will generate a different function.


The inout attribute can be used for both parameters and return types of functions. It works like a template for const, immutable, and mutable.

It is not a surprise that this function can be called with the string "hello".

string parenthesized(string phrase)
    return '(' ~ phrase ~ ')';


However, we might want to call it with a dynamic array, it the following way:

char[] m;    // has mutable elements
m ~= "hello";
writeln(parenthesized(m));  // compilation ERROR

Error: function deneme.parenthesized (string phrase)
is not callable using argument types (char[]).

The same limitation applies to const(char)[] strings as well.

A solution might be to write some overloads for this function.

char[] parenthesized(char[] phrase)
    return '(' ~ phrase ~ ')';

const(char)[] parenthesized(const(char)[] phrase)
    return '(' ~ phrase ~ ')';

However, this is not elegant at all, and it might be replaced with a template:

T parenthesized(T)(T phrase)
    return '(' ~ phrase ~ ')';

Although this solution has fewer lines of code and is more readable, now we can say that the template is too flexible because it can be instantiated even with types like int or double and to be really correct we would have to add some template constraints.

The solution we are looking for here is inout.

inout(char)[] parenthesized(inout(char)[] phrase)
    return '(' ~ phrase ~ ')';

The inout solution from above is very similar to the template solution, the only difference being that inout only deduces the mutability attribute of the parameter and transfers it to the return type.

When the function is called with char[], it gets compiled as if inout is not specified at all. On the other hand, when called with immutable(char)[] or const(char)[], inout means immutable or const, respectively.

The following code illustrates this principle:

char[] m;

const(char)[] c;

immutable(char)[] i;

It prints:


Behavioral attributes

pure, nothrow, and @nogc are attributes that express the behaviour of a function.


A function can either return a value, or affect the global state of the program, or both. A function that alters the global state of a program is a function that produces side-effects.

int score;

void incrementScore(int points);
    score += points;

void main()
    incrementScore(10); // mutates a global variable, i.e. has side-effects

Pure functions are functions that cannot directly access global or static mutable states. When added to a function, pure guarantees that that function won’t access or modify any implicit state in the program. Unlike other functional programming languages, D’s pure functions allow the modification of the caller state through mutable parameters.

int foo(int[] arr) pure
    arr[] += 1;
    return arr.length;
int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
assert(a == [2, 3, 4]);

A pure function accepting parameters with mutable indirections offers what is called weak purity because it can change the program state transitively through its parameters.

On the other hand, a pure function that has no parameter with mutable indirections is called strongly pure and fulfills the purity definition common to the traditional functional languages. Weakly pure functions are useful as reusable building blocks for strongly pure functions.

To prevent mutation, D offers the immutable type qualifier. If all of the parameters of a pure function are immutable or copied values without any indirections (e.g. int), the type system guarantees that the function produces no side effects.

struct S
    double x;

int foo(immutable(int)[] arr, int num, S val) pure
    //arr[num] = 1; // compile error
    num = 2;        // has no side effect to the caller side
    val.x = 3.14;   // ditto
    return arr.length;

Strong purity implies that the function always returns the same value for the same input. This is especially useful for optimizations and gives both the compiler and the programmer optimization opportunities. Instead of calling multiple times a strongly pure function with the same set of arguments, the function can be called only once and its return value can be cached and used in other places thus avoiding the overhead of additional function calls.

When it comes to templates, pure is automatically inferred by the compiler from the generated code, though it can be added by hand by the developer.

import std.stdio;

// This template is impure when N is 0 because writeln() accesses global state
void templ(size_t N)()
    static if (N == 0)
        // Prints when N is 0

void bar() pure
    templ!0();    // compilation ERROR, cannot call impure function

void foo() pure
    templ!1();    // compiles

void main()

Similar to templates, the compiler infers if a function or delegate literal is pure. The same goes for auto functions.


  1. Navigate to demo/pure.
  • Take a look at the code. Is the mutate function pure?
  • If yes, why? If no, why?
  • Add pure to the function and see if the code compiles. Do you understand why it happens the way it happens?


The nothrow attribute guarantees that a function does not throw any exceptions. But before looking into nothrow, let’s talk a bit about exceptions.


In general, exceptions are used to validate potentially invalid user input. Once an exception is thrown, the stack will be unwound until the first matching exception handler is found.

import std.file : FileException, readText;
import std.stdio : writeln;

void main()
    catch (FileException e)
        writeln("Message:\n", e.msg);
        writeln("File: ", e.file);
        writeln("Line: ", e.line);
        writeln("Stack trace:\n",;

        // Default formatting could be used too
        // writeln(e);
        writeln("This message will be printed regardless of whether an exception is thrown");

In D, the exception hierarchy starts with Throwable. Throwable (not recommended to catch) ↗ ↖ Exception Error (not recommended to catch) ↗ ↖ ↗ ↖ FileException StringException (and others) RangeError …

Exception and Error are inherited from Throwable and are more specific. It is not recommended to catch objects of type Error and objects of types that are inherited from Error. That is because they represent system errors that are usually fatal.

The catch blocks are matched in the order in which they are declared, so they must be ordered from the most specific exception types to the most general exception types. Given, for example, that the Exception type is the most general, it should be specified at the last catch block, if this is really needed.

    // operations about student records that may throw
catch (StudentIdDigitException exc)
    // an exception that is specifically about errors with
    // the digits of student ids
catch (StudentIdException exc)
    // a more general exception about student ids but not
    // necessarily about their digits

catch (StudentRecordException exc)
    // even more general exception about student records
catch (Exception exc)
    // the most general exception that may not be related
    // to student records

The throw keyword can be used to deliberately throw exceptions.

Returning to nothrow, it guarantees that a function does not emit any exception.

What is meant here by “any exception” is “any exception that is defined under the Exception hierarchy.” A nothrow function can still emit exceptions that are under the Error hierarchy, which represents irrecoverable error conditions that should preclude the program from continuing its execution.

import std.stdio;

int add(int lhs, int rhs) nothrow
    writeln("adding");    //  compilation ERROR because writeln is not a `nothrow` function
    return lhs + rhs;

void main()
    add(1, 2);

As with purity, the compiler automatically infers whether a template, delegate, or anonymous function is nothrow.


  1. Navigate to demo/nothrow/ and make that program compile without removing nothrow or the writeln statement.
  2. Take a look at this code from Phobos, the D standard library. Why is this function no marked as nothrow?


D is a garbage-collected language. Many data structures and algorithms in most D programs take advantage of dynamic memory blocks that are managed by the garbage collector (GC). Such memory blocks are reclaimed again by the GC by an algorithm called garbage collection.

Some commonly used D operations take advantage of the GC as well. For example, elements of arrays live on dynamic memory blocks:

// A function that takes advantage of the GC indirectly
int[] append(int[] slice)
    slice ~= 42;
    return slice;

If the slice does not have sufficient capacity, the ~= operator above allocates a new memory block from the GC.

Although the GC is a significant convenience for data structures and algorithms, memory allocation and garbage collection are costly operations that make the execution of some programs noticeably slow.

@nogc means that a function cannot use the GC directly or indirectly:

void foo() @nogc
    // ...

The compiler guarantees that a @nogc function does not involve GC operations. For example, the following function cannot call append() because it does not provide the @nogc guarantee:

void foo() @nogc
    int[] slice;
    // ...
    append(slice); // compilation ERROR - @nogc function 'foo' cannot call non-@nogc function 'append'

For an extensive list of operations forbidden in @nogc code, check this link


  1. Navigate to demo/nogc. Add @nogc to the main function and then make the required changes to the program so as to make it compile.

Code safety attributes

As you might already imagine, @safe, @trusted, and @system are attributes that say something about the code safety that a function provides. As with purity, the compiler infers the safety level of templates, delegates, anonymous functions, and auto functions.


A @safe function is a function that is statically verified by the compiler to ensure that there are no operations that might lead to memory corruption. In a @safe function, there are several language features that cannot be used, such as casts that break the type system or pointer arithmetic. A full list of operations that are forbidden in @safe functions can be found here. In spite of these limitations, these functions provide strong safety guarantees that are very important.

Let’s take a look at this unsafe code from below:

import std.stdio : writeln;

void main()
    int a = 7;
    int b = 9;

    /* some code later */

    *(&a + 1) = 2;

Running this code yields the result:


Wait, what? No, this is not a typo: the value of b changes between two instructions for no apparent reason. This is happening because the compiler does not offer any guarantees when it comes to pointer arithmetic on local variables. Pointer arithmetic is by definition an unsafe operation and if the faulting line would have been hidden between another 1K lines of code, it would have taken a lot of time to get to the root of the problem.

Now let us annotate the main function definition with @safe:

void main() @safe

The compiler correctly highlights:

test.d(10): Error: cannot take the address of local var in @safe function main


  1. Navigate to the demo/safe directory. Inspect the source file. Compile and run the code.
  • What does the code do? Why is it useful to take the address of a parameter?
  • Add the @safe attribute to the main function. What happens?
  • Add @safe to the func and gun functions. Analyze the error messages.
  • How can we get rid of the first error message?
  • What about the second error message?
  1. Navigate to the demo/code-safety directory. Inspect the source file. Compile and run the code.
  • Add @safe to the main function and then make the code compile by solving the issues.


A @trusted function provides the same guarantees as a @safe function, but it is assumed that the checks were done manually by the programmer. That is because sometimes, even though the @safety rules work well to prevent memory corruption, they prevent a lot of valid, and actually safe code. For example, consider a function that wants to use the system call read, which is prototyped like this:

ssize_t read(int fd, void* ptr, size_t nBytes);

For those unfamiliar with this function, it reads data from the given file descriptor, and puts it into the buffer pointed at by ptr that is expected to be nBytes bytes long. The function returns the number of bytes actually read, or a negative value if an error occurs. However, this C idiom of passing the buffer and length separately is not a safe pattern because it’s easy to pass a length that exceeds the buffer llength.

char *buf = malloc(128);
auto nread = read(fd, buf.ptr, 10000);

This is clearly an unsafe pattern, so in D it is not possible to mark this code as @safe.

To solve this situation, D provides the @trusted attribute, which tells the compiler that the code inside the function is assumed to be @safe, but will not be mechanically checked. It’s on you, the developer, to make sure the code is actually @safe.

A function that solves the problem might look like this in D:

auto safeRead(int fd, ubyte[] buf) @trusted
    return read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length);

Before marking an entire function with @trusted, consider first if calling it from a given context would compromise the memory safety of the program. If this is the case, this function should not be marked @trusted under any circumstances. Even if the intention is to only call it in safe ways, the compiler will not prevent unsafe usage by others. In our case, safeRead should be fine to call from any @safe context, so it’s a great candidate for the @trusted attribute.


  1. Navigate to the demo/trusted directory. Inspect the source file. Compile and run the code.
  • Is this code safe? Why?
  • Apply @safe to the main function. What happens? Why?
  • Move the read line in a new function, safeRead, that will be marked as @trusted.
  1. Navigate to the demo/template-inference directory. Inspect the source file. Compile and run the code.
  • Add the @safe attribute to the main function.
  • How do you explain the result?
  • Why isn’t the compiler complaining for the second invocation of func?


@system is the default safety attribute for functions and it implies that no automatic safety checks are performed.


  1. Navigate to demo/all-attributes. Edit the code so as to compile.


The text of this lab was inspired by the books “Programming in D” by Ali Çehreli and “The D Programming Language” by Andrei Alexandrescu.